
Defensive Tactics Instructor Certification

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About this Course

Defensive Tactics Instructor Certification

This course is designed to prepare individuals to become certified defensive tactics instructors. The program emphasizes the principles of defensive tactics, strategies for teaching defensive tactics, and the development of physical skills necessary to perform defensive tactics techniques effectively.

Course Objectives

  • Understand the principles of defensive tactics
  • Develop the physical skills to perform defensive tactics techniques effectively
  • Strategize for teaching defensive tactics
  • Understand the legal implications of using defensive tactics
  • Develop the ability to assess and address risks in defensive situations
  • Develop the ability to adapt defensive tactics to various situations and environments
  • Understand the importance of physical and mental conditioning for defensive tactics

Course Outline

Module 1: Introduction to Defensive Tactics

This module introduces the principles of defensive tactics, including situational awareness, threat assessment, and the use of force continuum. Students will learn how to identify potential threats and develop strategies to address them.

Module 2: Defensive Tactics Techniques

This module covers the physical skills necessary to perform defensive tactics techniques effectively. Students will learn a variety of techniques, including strikes, blocks, joint locks, and takedowns. Emphasis is placed on the proper execution of techniques and the development of muscle memory.

Module 3: Teaching Defensive Tactics

This module focuses on the strategies and techniques for teaching defensive tactics to others. Students will learn how to plan and deliver effective training sessions, assess student performance, and provide feedback.

Module 4: Legal Considerations

This module explores the legal implications of using defensive tactics, including the use of force and liability issues. Students will learn how to apply defensive tactics within the law and minimize the risk of legal repercussions.

Module 5: Risk Assessment and Adaptation

This module teaches students how to assess risks in defensive situations and adapt tactics accordingly. Students will learn how to assess environmental factors, such as terrain and lighting, and adjust their tactics to fit the situation.

Module 6: Physical and Mental Conditioning

This module emphasizes the importance of physical and mental conditioning for effective defensive tactics. Students will learn how to develop a training regimen that builds strength, endurance, and agility, as well as techniques for managing stress and maintaining focus in high-pressure situations.

Requirements for Certification

  • Attendance and active participation in all course modules
  • Demonstration of proficiency in defensive tactics techniques
  • Passing score on written and practical exams


This course provides a comprehensive approach to defensive tactics instruction, covering both the physical and mental skills necessary for effective performance. Students who complete the course and meet the certification requirements will be well-prepared to teach defensive tactics to others and apply these skills in real-world situations.

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