
Certified TypeScript Developer

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About this Course

Certified TypeScript Developer

The Certified TypeScript Developer course is designed to equip developers with the knowledge and skills to effectively use TypeScript, a statically typed superset of JavaScript, for building robust and scalable web applications. This comprehensive course covers the fundamental concepts, advanced features, and best practices of TypeScript development.

Course Objectives:

  • Understand the principles and benefits of TypeScript
  • Set up a TypeScript development environment
  • Learn TypeScript syntax, types, and type annotations
  • Apply object-oriented programming concepts in TypeScript
  • Utilize TypeScript's advanced features such as generics, decorators, and modules
  • Handle asynchronous operations using promises and async/await
  • Work with popular TypeScript frameworks and libraries
  • Implement unit tests and perform code analysis
  • Optimize TypeScript code for performance
  • Apply TypeScript best practices for maintainability and scalability

Course Outline:

  1. Introduction to TypeScript
    • Overview of TypeScript and its benefits
    • Setting up the development environment
    • TypeScript compilation and configuration
  2. TypeScript Basics
    • TypeScript syntax and data types
    • Type annotations and inference
    • Working with functions and interfaces
  3. Object-Oriented Programming with TypeScript
    • Classes, objects, and inheritance
    • Access modifiers and encapsulation
    • Interfaces and abstract classes
  4. Advanced TypeScript
    • Generics and type inference
    • Decorators and metadata
    • Modules and namespaces
  5. Asynchronous Programming
    • Working with promises
    • Using async/await for asynchronous operations
  6. TypeScript and Frameworks
    • TypeScript in Angular development
    • TypeScript in React development
    • TypeScript in Node.js development
  7. Testing and Code Analysis
    • Unit testing with TypeScript
    • Code analysis and linting
  8. Optimizing TypeScript Code
    • Performance considerations
    • Code organization and bundling
  9. TypeScript Best Practices
    • Coding conventions and style guidelines
    • Maint

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