
Certified Shell Scripting Developer

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About this Course

Course: Certified Shell Scripting Developer

The Certified Shell Scripting Developer course is designed to equip individuals with the necessary skills and knowledge to become proficient in shell scripting, a powerful tool for automating tasks in Unix-like operating systems. This comprehensive course covers the fundamentals of shell scripting, advanced scripting techniques, and best practices, providing participants with a solid foundation to develop robust and efficient shell scripts.

Course Objectives:

  • Gain a thorough understanding of shell scripting concepts and principles
  • Learn to write, execute, and debug shell scripts
  • Explore advanced scripting techniques for complex automation tasks
  • Master the use of shell scripting in Unix-like environments
  • Understand common shell utilities and their integration in scripts
  • Apply best practices for efficient and maintainable shell scripts
  • Learn to create interactive scripts with user input and output
  • Automate system administration tasks using shell scripting

Course Outline:

  1. Introduction to Shell Scripting

    - Overview of shell scripting and its importance
    - Introduction to Unix-like environments
    - Basics of shell scripting languages (e.g., Bash, sh)
    - Writing and executing simple shell scripts
    - Understanding shell variables and environment variables

  2. Shell Scripting Fundamentals

    - Control structures (if-else, loops, case statements)
    - Input/output redirection and pipes
    - Command substitution and arithmetic operations
    - Working with files and directories
    - Error handling and exit codes
    - Writing functions and reusable code

  3. Advanced Shell Scripting Techniques

    - String manipulation and pattern matching
    - Regular expressions in shell scripts
    - Process management and background tasks
    - Job scheduling with cron
    - Handling signals and traps
    - Interacting with the file system
    - Network programming with shell scripts

  4. Shell Scripting Best Practices

    - Writing readable and maintainable code
    - Proper error handling and logging
    - Script optimization and performance considerations
    - Code documentation and commenting
    - Testing and debugging techniques
    - Version control and collaboration tools for scripting projects

  5. Shell Scripting for System Administration

    - Managing system resources and processes
    - Automating system configuration and deployment
    - Backup and recovery strategies
    - User and permission management
    - Monitoring system logs and events
    - Working with remote systems using SSH

Note: This course does not include exam questions. It focuses on providing comprehensive content, practical examples, and hands-on exercises to enhance participants' shell scripting skills.

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