
Certified R Developer

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About this Course

Course Name: Certified R Developer

Course Description:

The Certified R Developer course is designed to equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to become proficient in the R programming language. R is widely used for statistical computing, data analysis, and data visualization, making it an essential tool for data scientists, statisticians, and analysts.

This comprehensive course will take you through the fundamentals of R programming, including data types, variables, control structures, and functions. You will learn how to manipulate and clean data using R's powerful data manipulation packages, such as dplyr and tidyr. Additionally, you will explore techniques for exploratory data analysis and visualization using ggplot2 and other popular R packages.

The course will delve into advanced topics, including statistical modeling, machine learning, and predictive analytics with R. You will gain hands-on experience in implementing various statistical models and algorithms, such as linear regression, logistic regression, decision trees, and random forests, using R's extensive set of libraries.

Throughout the course, you will work on real-world projects and exercises to reinforce your understanding of R programming concepts and techniques. You will also learn best practices for writing efficient and maintainable R code, including code optimization, debugging, and version control using Git and GitHub.

By the end of this course, you will have the skills and confidence to develop robust data analysis and visualization solutions using R. You will receive a Certified R Developer certification, validating your proficiency in R programming and enhancing your career prospects in data science and analytics.

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