
Advanced Choreographic Studies

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About this Course

Course Title: Advanced Choreographic Studies

Welcome to the Advanced Choreographic Studies course, where we delve into the intricacies of dance composition, exploring advanced concepts and techniques to elevate your choreographic skills. This course is designed for experienced dancers and choreographers seeking to push the boundaries of their artistic expression.

Course Overview

This course comprises in-depth explorations of various elements crucial to advanced choreography. From the refinement of movement vocabulary to the integration of technology in dance, you will engage with a diverse range of topics to enhance your choreographic abilities.

Key Learning Objectives

  • Explore advanced choreographic theories and methodologies
  • Refine your movement vocabulary and expand your range of expressions
  • Investigate the integration of technology in choreography
  • Develop a deep understanding of the historical and cultural influences on choreographic practices
  • Create original choreographic works with a focus on innovation and experimentation

Course Structure

The course is divided into the following sections:

1. Advanced Choreographic Theories

Delve into theoretical frameworks that underpin advanced choreography, examining concepts such as abstraction, symbolism, and narrative structures.

2. Movement Vocabulary Refinement

Expand your movement repertoire through intensive exercises aimed at refining technique, exploring diverse styles, and enhancing expressivity.

3. Technology in Choreography

Investigate the integration of technology, including interactive visuals, music composition software, and digital platforms, to enhance and innovate choreographic practices.

4. Historical and Cultural Influences

Examine the impact of historical and cultural contexts on choreography, gaining insights into how diverse influences shape dance as an art form.

5. Creative Project: Original Choreographic Work

Apply your newfound knowledge by creating and presenting an original choreographic piece, emphasizing innovation, experimentation, and personal expression.


Explore the following resources to deepen your understanding of advanced choreography:

  • Reading List: Curated articles and books on choreographic theories and practices
  • Video Lectures: Engaging sessions by renowned choreographers and dance scholars
  • Online Forums: Participate in discussions with fellow students and receive feedback on your creative projects
  • Guest Lectures: Gain insights from guest speakers who have made significant contributions to the field of choreography


Evaluation will be based on active participation, creative project submissions, and a reflective portfolio showcasing your journey through the course.


Embark on a journey of artistic exploration and self-discovery as you advance your choreographic skills in this dynamic and comprehensive course. We look forward to witnessing the evolution of your creative voice and the impactful works you will contribute to the world of dance.

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